Promotional items

Dwi Arif Zainul Ali

Batu, Indonesia

100% repaid



Dwi Arif Zainul Ali

Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

68 installments  •  32%

About Me

I am the only one boy in our family, since my childhood I have lived with finances that are not good enough. From the experience since childhood that is what motivates me to be more advanced than others. Since I graduated from high school, I have enough capital to work. With the science that I can get to school, and entrepreneurship is also included. I maximize my potential to work in someone else"s company. To gain a valuable experience for my future career. My first working experience is detailed for almost 2 years. Then I decided to resign and get a job offer in the world of glasses. From where early science and optimetric I was born, from here I was motivated to start my own business. With the environment in Indonesia is very supportive and open to start a business with capital intention and cost is not too much. I ventured to start my own business, even though I had experienced unsatisfactory results. From that failure I get almost all the lessons while pioneering my own business. From here I learned to be open-minded and unyielding to the situation. And inevitably have to change the old mindset with a new one, that is sharing with others in various things not just the material alone. So that we can exchange ideas and ideas to be more forward in the future.

My Business

Our business provides frames and eyeglass lenses and eyewear making services with the support of tools and human resources enough to keep this business going well. This business is very good because it can compete with other similar vendors. Because of the support of lens materials, soften and other items related to the glasses and tools that qualified and liked by the people who need our help. Therefore our work can reach nearly 40 million per month during crowded visitors and the lowest 20 million rupiah. With production costs that are not up to 20% of turnover, as we already know that business is the most profitable eyewear business in the world. Because if we want, the margin can be increased up to 9x from the production cost. With all these advantages, we use funds from this business to add more efficient products and production tools to get the most efficient service possible so that consumers do not run to other vendors. In addition to added products and production tools, I also use these results to my personal life by buying a home and so on.

Loan Proposal

We will use this fund to add sample items to try by costumer. And simplify the customer decide which items will be selected In order to costumer without hesitate to buy our goods. Because our products inevitably have to sample product for the material comparison with other products.

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About Me

Saya adalah anak pria satu satunya dikeluarga kami, sejak kecil saya sudah hidup dengan keuangan yang tidak cukup bagus. Dari pengalaman sejak kecil itulah yang memotivasi saya untuk lebih maju dari orang lainnya. Sejak saya lulus sekolah menengah, saya punya modal cukup untuk bekerja. Dengan ilmu yang saya dapat disekolah, dan ilmu wirausaha juga termasuk. saya maksimalkan potensi saya untuk bekerja di perusahaan orang lain. Untuk mendapat pengalaman yang sangat berharga demi jengjang karir saya kedepannya. Pengalaman bekerja pertama saya adalah diretail selama hampir 2 tahun. Kemudian saya memutuskan resign dan mendapat tawaran pekerjan di dunia kacamata. Dari sinilah awal ilmu perkacamataan dan optimetris saya lahir, dari sini lah saya termotivasi untuk memulai bisnis sendiri. Dengan lingkungan di indonesia yang sangat mendukung dan terbuka untuk memulai usaha dengan modal niat dan biaya yang tidak terlalu banyak. Saya memberanikan diri untuk memulai bisnis sendiri, walaupun sempat mengalami hasil yang tidak memuaskan. Dari kegagalan itulah saya mendapatkan hampir semua pelajaran saat sedang merintis bisnis sendiri. Dari sinilah saya belajar untuk berpikiran terbuka dan pantang menyerah dengan keadaan. Dan mau tidak mau harus merubah pola pikir yang lama dengan yang baru, yaitu berbagi dengan orang lain dalam berbagai hal bukan hanya materi semata. Agar kita bisa saling bertukar pikiran dan gagasan untuk lebih maju kedepannya.

My Business

Bisnis kita menyediakan frame dan lensa kacamata dan jasa pembuatan kacamata dengan dukungan alat dan sumber daya manusia yang cukup untuk menjaga bisnis ini berjalan dengan baik. Bisnis ini sangat baik karena mampu bersaing dengan vendor lainnya yang serupa. Karena dukungan bahan lensa, softlen dan barang lainnya yang berhubungan dengan kacamata dan alat yang mumpuni dan disukai oleh masyarakat yang membutuhkan bantuan kami. Karena itu hasil kerja kami bisa mencapai hampir 40 juta perbulan disaat ramai pengunjung dan yang terendah 20 juta rupiah. Dengan biaya produksi yang tidak sampai 20% dari omset, karena yang sudah kita ketahui bahwa bisnis kacamata bisnis yang paling menguntungkan di dunia. Karena kalau kita mau, margin bisa ditingkatkan sampai 9x lipat dari ongkos produksi. Dengan semua keuntungan ini, kita gunakan dana dari bisnis ini untuk menambah jenis produk dan alat produksi yang lebih efisien agar bisa mendapatka pelayanan yang seefisien mungkin agar konsumen tidak lari ke vendor lain. Disamping untuk produk dan alat produksi yang ditambah, saya juga menggunakan hasil ini ke kehidupan pribadi dengan membeli rumah dan lain-lain.

Loan Proposal

Kita akan menggunakan dana ini untuk menambah barang sample untuk dicoba oleh costumer. Dan mempermudah costumer memutuskan barang mana yang akan dipilih Agar costumer tanpa ragu membeli barang kami. Karena produk2 kami mau tidak mau harus ada sample produk untuk bahan perbandingan dengan produk lainnya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 6, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Dwi Arif Zainul Ali a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Feb 25, 2019

    Economy is not good in Indonesia

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Jan 15, 2019

    the economic is not good lately

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Nov 25, 2018

    Because the economic situation was uncertain because President Joko Widodo injected gasoline, the economic situation was getting heavier

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Nov 14, 2018

    Because my financial situation is currently bad, please pay for the issue of payment. Thank you

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Jul 24, 2018

    the current economic situation is not very good, please understand it. because sales declined by up to 50% more

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Jun 20, 2018

    my sales situation dropped dramatically due to other more urgent needs.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    May 8, 2018

    the state of the market is sluggish at this time, because the activities of the public are preoccupied with school fees and Idul Fitri holidays and fasting

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Mar 27, 2018

    at the end of this month sales targets are not as expected, and money to cover excessive operating costs. So can not pay accordingly the initial installment. If the sale at the beginning of next month is better I will pay more than the nominal to be paid. Thank you in advance.

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  • Dedi    Mar 27, 2018

    Good evening mas dwi ... I am happy to remind about the installment of the loan that has fallen. Build trust of the lenders with the accuracy of our installment .. thank you regards zidisha

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Mar 1, 2018

    Thank you to Mr. Paul Buchheit, I will use to the maximum extent possible to fulfill my merchandise. Thanks.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Feb 26, 2018

    this is the goods I will buy, hopefully soon be given a loan to meet my merchandise. because my stock is running low. thanks.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Feb 26, 2018

    this is the goods I will buy, hopefully soon be given a loan to meet my merchandise. because my stock is running low. thanks.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Nov 1, 2017

    thanks to the borrowers, my previous loan has been paid off. And my next loan will I use the fulfillment of goods frames and glasses.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Nov 1, 2017

    my family is fully supportive of my business with the help of zidisha. please to be approved for my next loan so that my business will grow bigger. thank you

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Oct 31, 2017

    This item is also what I bought for my stock addition. Thanks.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Oct 31, 2017

    It"s a merchandise I bought from a loan I got yesterday,

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Oct 29, 2017

    I see the market is sluggish, these few days. And I decided to reduce my installment amount, because this has something to do with MLF. And if the market develops better this month, I"ll raise my payment amount. So its the info, And this is for my future in zidisha, please approval. Thanks.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Oct 23, 2017

    Thanks to the borrower, I will use this money as it should be, that is, the fulfillment of my merchandise. thank you

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Oct 23, 2017

    I will add my promotional items, ie glasses frames

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