Loan assistance to solve study s2


Kota Sukabumi, Indonesia

36% repaid




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  33%

About Me

I Live in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. I mepunyai a wife and one child at the moment I"m graduating Tier 2 me, therefore at this time I need to cost a somewhat relatively unfulfilled by me, at this time of my studies were at the end of a meter and is preparing and completing a thesis on "Administering Agency for Social Jamina"

My Business

about my business is currently engaged in legal services, I honestly clients who use my services is not a major client, I serve the people of small and medium in my city, so of course earnings do exist but are not as big, just make ends meet, I want this job could evolve in the future, which is why one of them I traveled through my education strata 2 borrowers would be able to give me a loan for the kiebutuhan I remember, during my working time completed the study was not effective and widely consumed by the focus on learning

Loan Proposal

The loan money will I use for the purposes of making tesis.__...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................____terimakasih

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About Me

Saya Tinggal di Kota Sukabumi , Propinsi Jawa Barat , Indonesia . saya mepunyai seorang istri dan dengan satu orang anak saat ini saya sedang menyelesaikan pendidikan Strata 2 saya , oleh karena itu saat ini saya butuh biaya yang agak relatif tidak terpenuhi oleh saya, saat ini studi saya sedang pada akhir semeter dan sedang menyiapkan dan menyelesaikan tesis tentang "Badan Penyelenggara Jamina Sosial"

My Business

mengenai usaha saya saat ini bergerak di bidang jasa hukum, jujur saya klien yang menggunakan jasa saya bukanlah klien yang besar , saya melayani masyarakat kecil dan menengah di kota saya ,sehingga tentu saja penghasilan memang ada tetapi tidak lah besar ,sekedar mencukupi kebutuhan hidup, saya ingin kedepan pekerjaan ini bisa berkembang , yang oleh karena itu salah satunya saya tempuh melalui pendidikan strata 2 saya kiranya para peminjam bisa dapat memberikan saya pinjaman untuk kiebutuhan saya tersebut mengingat , selama menyelesaikan study waktu kerja saya tidak efektif dan banyak tersita oleh fokus belajar

Loan Proposal

Uang Pinjaman tersebut akan saya gunakan untuk keperluan pembuatan tesis.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 18, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months



San Francisco, Ca, United States


Matt Willis

United States




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  • Suhelmiawan    Jan 28, 2016

    I say terimaksih to the funding of the loan ata zidisha, with this loan can help smooth the least of my study and for the continuation of the work I tekuni

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