Grilled meatballs and sausage grilled


Sukoharjo, Indonesia

37% repaid




Member since

September 2015

On-time repayments

59 installments  •  27%

About Me

I am a student who recently graduated. I really liked entrepreneurship. During my college selling online and entrepreneurship snacks in the house such as grilled meatballs, sausages etc. I want my business is more developed in order to be useful to my family and a future and can create new jobs for other people in the village .__ my address Sengon 011 Rt 01 Rw Grogol village Langenharjo Sukoharjo. Close to pesanggrahan / warm water bath Langenharjo .__ My house is on the west embankment of the river bengawan solo. So very DKT with dike. Behind my house a bread factory house orange paint .__ .__ During this time I am very excited to achieve my future goals. My younger sister of two brothers .__ my own college fund with the proceeds of selling. I want to expand my business to be more advanced and successful.

My Business

Grilled meatballs and grilled sausages are a source of income i .__ Simply because makanane trsebut promising new trend in my neighborhood one day .__ turnover could reach 150000-200000 with an average profit of 90,000 / day .__ I need equipment that is more complete and better so that my efforts more developing .__ Sengon village saya__Di Address Rt 01 Rw 11 Grogol village Langenharjo Sukoharjo my house .__ fit in the west embankment of the river Solo river. Orange paint my house and behind a bakery.

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to buy equipment selling grilled meatballs and sausages grilled me to be more advanced equipment .__ I will buy is a desk and chair worth £ 1,000,000. Plastic food shelf worth £ 400,000. Packaging equipment worth £ 200,000. Grill worth £ 500,000. And for supplies of merchandise .__ profit can I get an average of £ 200,000 per day .__ I hope that my loan was funded to assist the family economy and could continue to be ahead of my efforts.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya seorang mahasiswa yg baru lulus. Saya sangat menyukai berwirausaha. Selama kuliah saya berjualan online dan berwirausaha makanan kecil di rumah seperti bakso bakar, sosis dsb. Saya ingin usaha saya lebih berkembang agar dapat bermanfaat untuk masadepan saya dan keluarga serta dapat membuka lapangan kerja baru bagi oranglain.
Alamat saya di desa Sengon Rt 01 Rw 011 kelurahan Langenharjo Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Dekat dengan Pesanggrahan/ Pemandian air hangat langenharjo.
Rumah saya ada di barat tanggul sungai bengawan solo. Jadi sangat dkt dgn tanggul. Belakang rumah saya sebuah pabrik roti.
Cat rumah warna orange.
Selama ini saya orang yang sangat bersemangat dalam menggapai cita cita saya. Saya adik dari 2 bersaudara.
Saya membiayai kuliah sendiri dgn hasil berjualan. Saya ingin mengembangkan usaha saya agar lebih maju dan sukses.

My Business

Bakso bakar dan Sosis bakar adalah sumber penghasilan saya.
Cukup menjanjikan karna makanane trsebut baru trend di lingkungan saya.
Omset satu hari bisa mencapai 150.000-200.000 dengan laba rata rata 90.000/hari.
Saya membutuhkan perlengkapan yang lebih lengkap dan lebih baik agar usaha saya semakin berkembang.
Alamat saya
Di desa Sengon Rt 01 Rw 11 kelurahan Langenharjo Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Sukoharjo.
Rumah saya pas di barat tanggul sungai bengawan Solo. Cat rumah saya orange dan di belakang sebuah pabrik roti.

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk membeli peralatan penjualan bakso bakar dan sosis bakar saya agar lebih maju.
Perlengkapan yang akan saya beli adalah meja dan kursi senilai IDR 1,000,000. Rak makanan plastik senilai IDR 400,000. Peralatan pengemasan senilai IDR 200,000. Pemanggang senilai IDR 500,000. Dan untuk persediaan bahan dagangan.
Laba yang bisa saya peroleh rata rata IDR 200,000 per hari.
Saya berharap pinjaman saya di danai untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga dan bisa terus lebih maju usaha saya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 16, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

13 months



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  • Rahmat Norma Sonhaji    Apr 3, 2016

    I apologize to all the funders because he has not been paying the installments but I have not been informed why he was late in paying the loan installments zidisha

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  • Dwi    Nov 30, 2015

    My income has increased. I want to change the larger installment loan to immediately finish me.

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  • Dwi    Oct 16, 2015

    Thank God I have received funds .__ Thanks to that already help me. Will I use it very well.

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  • Dwi    Oct 11, 2015

    Hopes to funded though only stayed 21 minutes.

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