Ajeng Shop for Various Items


Bogor, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  88%

About Me

I am the 3rd child of 4 siblings. We were born from a housewife and father who worked as a civil servant. I was educated by parents to become independent children, every want to buy something, we have to save first. Trading has become my interest since high school. Starting from selling banana chocolate, sausage and now sell pulses. Indonesia is very diverse cultures and tribes. And I"m proud to be an Indonesian citizen. Become an independent child who is able to deal with each problem on its own. I prefer to repair the computer. In addition helpful to help people, also earn income

My Business

I sell many kinds of handicraft bags. Also provide HP repair and computer repair services because everyone uses HP and computer. And the basic education in the IT world. I really need a lot of capital for my business to be more developed. And I want to open the sale of grilled rice. And now my sales are increasing into the sale of laundry perfume, laundry softener and associated with laundry

Loan Proposal

Buying materials to support sales that are now increasingly in demand. So the initial capital still requires an additional fund of 350,000 idr. By selling laundry perfume and frozen food, make it easier for people to get a healthy snack. And make it easier for the community to meet the needs of the household. I am not too big to take advantage, better little profit but more buyers

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About Me

Saya adalah anak ke 3 dari 4 bersaudara. Kami lahir dari seorang ibu rumah tangga dan ayah yang bekerja sebagai pegawai negeri sipil. Saya di didik oleh orang tua untuk menjadi anak yang mandiri, setiap ingin membeli sesuatu, kami harus menabung terlebih dahulu. Berdagang sudah menjadi minat saya semenjak sekolah dibangku SMA. Mulai dari menjual pisang coklat, sosis dan sekarang menjual pulsa. Indonesia sangat beragam budaya dan suku bangsa. Dan aku bangga jadi WNI. Menjadi anak yang mandiri yang mampu menghadapi setiap masalah sendiri. Saya lebih senang mereparasi komputer. Selain bermanfaat membantu orang, juga mendapat penghasilan

My Business

Saya menjual berbagai macam tas kerajinan tangan. Juga menyediakan jasa reparasi HP dan komputer karna semua orang menggunakan HP dan komputer. Dan basicnya pendidikan di dunia IT. Saya sangat membutuhkan banyak modal untuk bisnis saya menjadi lebih berkembang. Dan saya ingin membuka penjualan nasi bakar. dan kini penjualan saya bertambah menjadi penjualan parfum laundry, softener laundry dan yang berhubungan dengan laundry

Loan Proposal

membeli bahan kebutuhan untuk menunjang penjualan yang kini semakin banyak permintaannya. sehingga modal awal masih membutuhkan penambahan dana sebesar 350.000 idr. dengan menjual parfum laundry dan makanan frozen, mempermudah masyarakat untuk mendapatkan cemilan yang lbih sehat. dan mempermudah masyarakat memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga. saya tidak terlalu besar untuk mengambil keuntungan, lebih baik sedikit untungnya namun lebih banyak pembelinya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 23, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks

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Ask Ajeng a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mary    Jul 17, 2017

    Please contact [email protected] to lower your loan payments. Lenders would rather see very small payments rather than no payment. We understand business can be good at times and slow at times. Regards, Mary

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  • Ajeng    Jun 1, 2017

    The zidisha loan meant a lot to me, and now my laundry perfume reseller is growing. Yesterday, I just bought a laundry perfume order. For 3 of my resellers

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  • Ajeng    May 25, 2017

    Today deliver laundry perfume orders to customers and resellers

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  • Ajeng    May 23, 2017

    I bought a brush to decorate my bag and some laundry perfume. It really helps me in developing my business. Karna many who have messages. Increase my income to 100000 per day. This addition I developed by looking for new resellers. I already have 4 resellers

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  • Ajeng    May 20, 2017

    I purchased yarn knit and knitting fabric, and I bought paint and brushes. And to expand sales, I also sell laundry perfume and already have 3 resellers

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  • Ajeng    May 20, 2017

    thank you

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  • Ajeng    May 20, 2017

    thank you for my loan finance. , This is very useful

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  • Ajeng    May 20, 2017

    I have had 3 reseller

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  • Ajeng    May 20, 2017

    Laundry perfume and decoupage

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  • Ajeng    May 20, 2017

    Laundry perfume, and materials for decoupage

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