And accessories


Taluk Kuantan, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

September 2014

On-time repayments

205 installments  •  80%

About Me

I was born in Jambi, then me and my parents moved to kuantan taluk namely through the trans, trans palm us here. I went to school at 034 river sdn keranji then I went on the first secondary school in the SMP 3 Singingi, after leaving school at SMP 3 Singingi then I go to school again at sman 2 Singingi then I graduated in 2008, then I went on to college at the university pekanbaru sassy yellow, with a faculty of computer information systems majors. upon graduation from university sassy yellow then I apply for a job in finance and received mandala until now I am still working on the mandala finance.

My Business

when I get the funds from the zidisha and funders, these funds would I use for my business capital, which I pioneered my efforts at this time is I sell accessories, accessories are in great demand by all people, such as children, adolescents and adults. besides the prospect of the sale of accessories is pretty good my area, because the children and the people around here really like accessories. The accessories of the advantages I think enough for installment payments to the zidisha. my accessories business has been running 1 year 3 months.

Loan Proposal

when I get the funds from zidisha I will use these funds to purchase supplies for my business such as bracelets, necklaces, rings and so forth. I therefore ask that the zidisha and the funding would lend to me. I elaborated this effort is quite good, because these accessories are in the interest of a good many children, teens and adults. accessories are very much in use by the wider community. ranging from rings, bracelets, needles veil and so forth. The thing that makes me think to add funds to develop accessories, which makn in interest by the community at large. especially in my place, very strategic to open this business. therefore I will use these funds to buy such as:
5 dozen bracelets x 100,000 = 500,000,
3 Boxes ring x 150,000 = 450,000
Hijab pin 5 x 50,000 = 250,000
5 dozen socks x 50,000 = 250,000
and other accessories to complement my efforts.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

I was born in Jambi, then me and my parents moved to kuantan taluk namely through the trans, trans palm us here. I went to school at 034 river sdn keranji then I went on the first secondary school in the SMP 3 Singingi, after leaving school at SMP 3 Singingi then I go to school again at sman 2 Singingi then I graduated in 2008, then I went on to college at the university pekanbaru sassy yellow, with a faculty of computer information systems majors. upon graduation from university sassy yellow then I apply for a job in finance and received mandala until now I am still working on the mandala finance.

My Business

Ikan lele merupakan salah satuikan yang tergolong murah dan mudah untuk didapatkan, hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia memiliki potensi untuk budidaya ikan lele. Kemudahan dan kemurahan harga yang dimiliki ikan tersebut, menjadi salah satu daya tarik ikan lele di kalangan masyarakat umum. Ikan lele dapat diolah menjadi berbagai menu makanan, namun menu ikan lele yang paling populer adalah menu pecel lele.
Menu masakan pecel lele memang sangat digemari oleh sebagian besar masyarakat. Baik dari kalangan bawah, menengah, hingga kalangan atas pun banyak yang menyukai menu yang satu ini. Harganya yang relatif murah, menjadikan menu pecel lele sebagai santapan para mahasiswa hampir setiap malam.
Info Produk
Pecel lele merupakan menu yang terdiri dari perpaduan antara ikan lele yang digoreng garing lalu disajikan dengan sambal dan lalapan, biasanya lalapan yang digunakan antara lain timun, kubis, kemangi, serta ada juga yang menambahi kacang panjang sebagai lalapan tambahan. Sambal yang disajikan pun terkadang bervariasi, ada yang menggunakan sambal dengan tambahan mete, sambal bawang, sambal lombok ijo, sambal terasi, serta sambal tomat. Harga yang ditawarkan untuk seporsi lele lengkap dengan lalapannya, sekitar Rp 15.000,00. Untuk variasi menu seperti pecel telur, dihargai Rp 17.000,00 dan untuk pecel ayam biasa dijual dengan harga Rp 15.000,00.

Seiring dengan meningkatnya minat masyarakat akan menu tersebut, kini warung tenda pecel lele telah menjamur dan tersebar di pinggir – pinggir jalan baik di perkotaan maupun di daerah pinggiran. Selain rasanya yang nikmat, menu pecel lele juga memiliki harga yang relatif murah. Maka tak heran lagi jika menu ini diminati banyak konsumen, serta sering dijadikan pilihan menu makan malam oleh anak – anak kost.
Promosi yang biasa digunakan untuk peluang bisnis warung pecel lele, adalah penggunaan spanduk yang bertuliskan nama usaha dan jenis menu yang ditawarkan. Untuk menarik minat konsumen, spansuk juga dilengkapi dengan gambar produk seperti gambar ikan lele atau ayam. Disamping itu pemasaran lebih menonjolkan kualitas rasa pecel lele, dan pelayanan yang cepat dan ramah sehingga para pelanggan merasa puas dan akan mempromosikan dari mulut ke mulut kepada orang lain.
Kelebihan usaha
Dari jaman dulu sampai jaman modern yang penuh dengan menu makanan yang lezat, menu pecel lele masih diminati banyak konsumen. Hal ini menjadi keuntungan tersendiri bagi pelaku bisnis ini, karena menu pecel lele selalu dicari masyarakat Indonesia. Baik di kota besar maupun di daerah – daerah, minat pasar akan pecel lele masih sangat besar. Disamping itu untuk membuka usaha ini, tidak membutuhkan modal yang tidak terlalu besar. Sehingga dapat dijalankan oleh para pencari usaha yang modalnya minim

Loan Proposal

when I get the funds from zidisha I will use these funds to purchase supplies for my business such as bracelets, necklaces, rings and so forth. I therefore ask that the zidisha and the funding would lend to me. I elaborated this effort is quite good, because these accessories are in the interest of a good many children, teens and adults. accessories are very much in use by the wider community. ranging from rings, bracelets, needles veil and so forth. The thing that makes me think to add funds to develop accessories, which makn in interest by the community at large. especially in my place, very strategic to open this business. therefore I will use these funds to buy such as:
5 dozen bracelets x 100,000 = 500,000,
3 Boxes ring x 150,000 = 450,000
Hijab pin 5 x 50,000 = 250,000
5 dozen socks x 50,000 = 250,000
and other accessories to complement my efforts.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 19, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks




Jacksonville, United States


New Jersey, United States


Atlantis!!!! x), Mauritania


Sarasota, Fl, United States


Salt Lake City, United States



Republic of Korea

Matching Fund

Sterling, United States






United States


Utrecht, Netherlands



United States

Ask Mulyono a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Dec 16, 2014


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 30, 2014 $50.48 Nov 29, 2014 $50.48
Dec 7, 2014 $50.48 Nov 29, 2014 $50.48
Dec 14, 2014 $50.48 Nov 29, 2014 $49.03
Dec 15, 2014 $1.29
Dec 16, 2014 $0.17
