Renting an indoor shop for second-hand clothing sales


Conakry, Guinea


$0 to go

100% funded of $312 goal


days left




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  100%

About Me

I am Oumarou Diabaté, I live in Conakry where I grew up with my parents. In 1994 I began my first class in my primary school career, and I took the entrance exam for middle school in 2001. I went to the middle and high schools at Matam from 2002 to 2009 before getting accepted to René Levesque University in Conakry where I did a three-year sociology degree.
During the course of my education I met many difficulties, but thanks to the moral support of my parents and good colleagues I managed to overcome them. After college I stayed proactive in managing my own affairs by reselling secondhand clothes in the big market of Madina. When it comes to hobbies, I like to read, play soccer and listen to music to relax.

My Business

I lead a business that is based on the sale of secondhand clothes at the big Madina market in Conakry; considering the lack of funds, three of us contribute to buy a big lot of secondhand clothes at around 900,000 Guinea francs and resell them, sharing the profits.
The sale of one lot lasts sometimes 2 days, a maximum of 3, and we earn between 350,000 and 400,000 francs on one lot and we resell 2 lots per week, so the profit margin varies between 500 and 600,000 guinean francs per month. The profits allow me to cover my small needs and pay my rent of 100,000 GF per moth. This is why I wish for financial support to really earn more profits and ensure my regular autonomy.

Loan Proposal

This time, I would like to get myself a good place where I can be stationary because obtaining this second loan I can buy up to five balls of secondhand clothes at the same time and this will allow me to make more purchases and sales to achieve more revenue. This will not only develop my business but also improve my condition of life and that of my family.

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About Me

Je suis Oumarou Diabaté, je vis à Conakry ou j’ai passé mon enfance auprès de mes parents ; En 1994 j’ai connus ma première classe à l’école primaire de la carrière ou j’ai passé mon examen d’entré en 7eme Année en 2001 ;le collège et le lycée a Matam de 2002 en 2009 afin d’accédé à L’université René Levesque de Conakry ou j’ai fait la sociologie en trois ans .
Au cours de ma formation j’ai rencontré pas mal de difficulté mais grâce aux soutiens moral des parents et des bons collaborateurs je suis parvenus a surmonter. Après la formation je suis resté proactif en menant mes propres activités en revendant des habilles de friperie au grand marché de madina. En ce qui concerne le loisir j’aime lire, joué au foot balle et écouté de la musique pour être relaxe.

My Business

Je mène une activité commerciale qui est basé sur la vente d’habiles de friperies au grand marché de Madina de Conakry ; vu les manques de moyens nous cotisons à trois pour acheter une balle de friperie d’habiles divers à 900000francs Guinéens et revendre pour enfin partager les intérêts.
La vente d’une balle dure dés fois 2jours au maximum 3jours, nous gagnons tantôt 350000GNF jusqu'à 400000GNF sur une balle et nous revendons 2bales chaque semaine d’où la marge bénéficiaire varie de 500000GNF à 600000GNF par mois.
Les profils me permet d’assumer mes petits besoins et payé ma location a 100000GNF chaque mois ;c’est pourquoi je souhaite un soutient financier pour pouvoir vraiment gagner plus de profils afin d’assuré normalement mon autonomie.

Loan Proposal

J'envisage cette fois si me chercher une bonne place où je pourrai être immobile parce que a d'obtention de ce second prêt je pourrai acheté jusqu'à cinq balles de friperies en même temps et cela va me permettre de faire plus d'achats et de ventes afin de réaliser plus de revenus pour non seulement développé mon business mais aussi amélioré ma condition de vie et celle de ma famille.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Other loans

Ask Oumarou a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Oumarou    Nov 29, 2015

    I sincerely thank all the lenders .I informs you that the previous loan really improve my business.

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  • Oumarou    Sep 17, 2015

    I decided to increase my monthly payment by that I realized no profit this month and really it"s good for my business.

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  • Oumarou    Aug 31, 2015

    I evolve through Zidisha one today and I quietly run my business, the amount allowed me to make more purchases and sales in that month, I thank the lenders for their courage God pays you

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  • Oumarou    Aug 18, 2015

    I thank all Zidisha lenders for agreeing to lend me money, what I intend to return very soon in two or three months .The amount you had given me helped me to excel My business is selling Frippes clothes, three hundred and fifty miles that I have given sufficient proof that my business has evolved a lot and once again many thanks to you .rendez in a month to pay the rest of the loan . Cheers !!!

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  • Oumarou    Jul 31, 2015

    Hi, I"m really happy Zidisha and since I took this prèt my activities very well ROLLED .I thank you very siserement for your invaluable support and God bless!

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  • Oumarou    Jul 14, 2015

    Hello; I am very heureu you announced the state of progress of my business. I wish to inform you that when i received this prèt increased my initial background and this allowed me to buy 2 balls friperis at the beginning and every two weeks I finished the two balls and at least 300000GNF raporte me, especially at the This approach of Ramadan fète Running is my merchandise quickly, these gains allow me to quotidient assured my needs and to face my next reimbursement. Thank very sinserment Zidisha lenders for help you do for entrpreneurs.

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  • Oumarou    Jul 4, 2015

    I received 713974 GNF I count my increased capital to purchase two (2) thrift balls .__ I thank very sinserment the lender (s) Zidisha for their works.

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  • Oumarou    Jun 15, 2015

    je vous remercie de tout mon cœur,je prétend ajouter ce montant sur mon fond de roulement pour pouvoir acheté 2 balles de friperie d'habiles divers cela va m’aidé a réalisé plus de bénéfice.Je remercie très sincèrement tous les prêteur(e)s de Zidisha pour ce qu'ils font afin de palier au sous développement.

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