A new stock for a new customer


Kwa Muki, Mazeras, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2013

On-time repayments

55 installments  •  58%

About Me

I have always had a passion for teaching since my early days. Immediately after completing my high school at Darajani Secondary School in 2004 i wanted to join a teachers' college. That did not happen but i chose to start teaching in local primary schools as untrained teacher. Later, I moved to Mazeras town where I have taught since 2008 up to date. Currently, am enrolled at a college where I will soon complete my teaching course. Due to low-pay, I engage in less time-intensive businesses to supplement my monthly income. My business is that of selling coconut-sticks-brooms to retail shops in my area and in my upcountry hometown. I have a dedicated team of suppliers from the rural interior areas of Kilifi county that buy the brooms from different homesteads until they gather enough quantities to sell to me. On good months, I sell up to 1200 pieces of brooms and realize a profit of $300. I love my business.

My Business

My business is that of selling coconut-sticks-brooms to retail shops in my area and in my upcountry hometown. I have a dedicated team of suppliers from the rural interior areas of Kilifi county that buy the brooms from different homesteads until they gather enough quantities to sell to me. Coconut leaves are harvested from mature coconut trees,coconut leaves are dried in the sun and then sticks are peeled from the leaves. The resulting sticks are tied together with a tough rubber band to make a broom.On good months i sell up to 1200 pieces of brooms and realize a profit of $300. I love my business.

Loan Proposal

I have acquired a new customer (high school)that demands 500 pieces of brooms and i am short of operating capital to purchase new stock for her. I therefore come back to zidisha for a lresh new loan. I am hopeful that fulfillment of this order will open up the way for me getting additional orders from 'ukambani' schools that depend on the coconut-sticks-brooms for daily cleaning of classrooms and compounds. Thank for your continued support.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 23, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks




Geneva, Switzerland


Knoxville, United States

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